Why Am I Talking? Using WAIT to Improve Meetings

Have you heard of the acronym WAIT? I’ve heard it before but it was used recently in a meeting I was facilitating with one of my clients and their managers, and it reminded me just how good it is so I had to share.
If you’re someone who when you’re in meetings gets swept up in excitement, sharing ideas and opinions then I suggest using WAIT?
It stands for “Why Am I Talking? This simple phrase is a powerful tool to check yourself before speaking in meetings. Before chiming in, ask: Is this furthering the agenda? Is it building on someone else’s idea? Or is it a tangent that could derail the conversation?
WAIT is a great question to ask yourself especially when you find yourself saying a lot in meetings. It is also a good way to gauge the room and how much others are talking and make sure your contributions are worthwhile.
The next time you feel the urge to speak, pause and apply WAIT. It will help you contribute more effectively, maintain the meeting’s focus, and ensure that when you do speak, it’s with impact.
Read more: Are You an Active Participant in Meetings?