View from the Top: Is It Really Worth It?

For this article by Jo Ilfeld, CEO of Incite to Leadership on the view from the top shows Jo Ilfeld on Carmel beach.

Recently, I was running in one of my favorite places  in the world, Carmel by the Sea, California. And upon my run, I came to Carmel River Beach.

Now, this is a beautiful beach on the outskirts of Carmel and the second most popular beach in Carmel. 

As you can see from my selfie of me on Carmel River Beach, there are people on  it, but it doesn’t get as crowded as Carmel Beach. It’s quieter, more peaceful but no less beautiful. 

I continued my run and ended up in front of Carmel Beach, the more famous of the two beaches in Carmel and in fact, boasts a reputation as one of Northern California’s top spots.

It struck me then that the view from both these beaches is equally incredible, truly breathtaking and as I reflected on this, it made me wonder about all those people who are trying so hard to get to the top, to be the most popular, the best, the most famous.

It made me wonder if the view from that top rung on the career ladder is really better than being at the second best place, where it’s a little quieter, a bit more niche, more of an insider’s beach like Carmel River.

Carmel River is not the one written about in all the guidebooks. But that doesn’t mean the view from there is any less amazing.

Before climbing that next rung on the career ladder, consider whether the view from the top is really much better. Ask yourself do you want to take a side step over to the niche Carmel River Beach or do you want to get to the very top?

I urge you to think hard about what those extra rungs might cost you.

Read more: The One Thing for Growing Leaders

Jo Ilfeld, PhD

An executive leadership coach, Jo helps C-suite leaders, executives, and high-potential managers develop the flexibility, skill, and frame of mind to meet the challenges of the next five, ten, twenty years…. and beyond. She works with individuals, teams and organizations on four core areas of leadership development. Check out Jo's bio page for more information.

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