Leadership Blog
From Incite to Leadership founder and CEO Jo Ilfeld, read the latest on strategic vision, leading change amid complexity, and honing the way you communicate and collaborate with others. Get resources, practical strategies, research, and more.
A recent observation about teamwork comes courtesy of my mother-in-law. My son was playing in a local tennis tournament recently. He plays singles and doubles, but for tournament’s doubles, they pair you randomly with another player your age.
Read MoreI’m part of a great coaching bookclub and our last pick is a fabulous read for managers and leaders alike who want more progress, more results and more leadership opportunities. “Act Like A Leader, Think Like A Leader” by Herminia Ibarra was written by a business school professor at INSEAD who provides both evidence and…
Read MoreI’ve been vacationing in the UK these past couple of weeks – so in lieu of a full article, I’m sharing my top 5 lessons learned as a “stranger in a strange land.”
Read MoreAs I sit here writing, it is hot, hot, hot weather outside. So let me tell you a story instead of complaining. (It’s one you might have read before – but humor me.)
Read MoreIt feels like the height of immodesty to recommend yourself but here goes. . . I’m co-leading a workshop on October 14th for East Bay Haas Alumni (but all others are welcome) on Moving Up the Career Ladder: 3 Skills You Need to Stand-Out and Get Promoted. It’s being hosted by the Law firm, Wendel,…
Read MoreHave you ever noticed that a lot of the people looking forward to team-building and company off-sites are the really outgoing employees?
Read MoreHave you ever wondered why everyone around you seems to be overreacting? Or over-emotional? Frequently I find that work means different things to different people and that can be the source of disconnection between colleagues at work.
Read MoreI frequently watch (and recommend) Ted Talks. In less than 20 minutes I can learn new ideas with compelling speakers. However, I don’t usually get the pleasure of recommending a talk from brilliant and engaging friends and colleagues. CrisMarie and Susan are two partners who work with teams in conflict recently rocked TedxWhitefish with their…
Read MoreI’m writing this note returning home on a plane from visiting my 96 year-old grandmother in Phoenix. I know I’ve mentioned her before in my blog posts and newsletters, but each time I can’t help from remarking on how much she has lived and seen and how much she has adapted through the years.
Read MoreI work with a lot of highly analytical and smart people. (If you’re one of my past or present clients reading this – yes I mean you!) And one of their big frustrations is meetings!
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