Here’s Why You Should Celebrate Endings

For this article by Jo Ilfeld, CEO of Incite to Leadership celebrate endings the image shows a group of people in an office cheering and smiling.

Endings are a natural part of life, but how often do we actually take the time to celebrate them?

I’ve been giving some thought to this lately because my son recently graduated and I finished up a course I had been taking for the last few months. Colleges are amazing at celebrating endings—think of the pomp, the ceremonies, the speeches, and the parties. They not only honor the achievement but also make the entire journey feel worthwhile.

On the other hand, my course was great but the ending was flat.

My coaching clients are also horrible at endings. They tell me that they don’t have time to celebrate; the project’s completed and it’s straight on to the next goal

But here’s the thing: when you celebrate endings you creates positive memories and a sense of accomplishment that can fuel future success.

It doesn’t have to be elaborate—just meaningful.

Read more: Three Steps to Ending Things with Grace

Jo Ilfeld, PhD

An executive leadership coach, Jo helps C-suite leaders, executives, and high-potential managers develop the flexibility, skill, and frame of mind to meet the challenges of the next five, ten, twenty years…. and beyond. She works with individuals, teams and organizations on four core areas of leadership development. Check out Jo's bio page for more information.

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