Here’s A Quick Zoom Tip – Who Has the Patience For Anything More?

If your inbox is anything like my inbox, it’s overflowing with offers for webinars, articles and ways to think about your work during Covid19. It’s both wonderful and slightly exhausting.
And as we enter week who-knows what of shelter in place, I find that I’m grateful for all the many brave ways people are showing up right now, and I’m tired myself. I wish I was celebrating my oldest son’s high school graduation, watching my middle son play high school baseball and laughing at my daughter and her friends as they get ready for their first dance. My hunch is there’s a lot you wish you were doing now too.
I think there have to be ways that we stay strong and continue to provide support for one another – we’re in it for the long haul – and there have to be safe spaces to express our disappointment at what’s been lost. It seems important to acknowledge both those spaces, and many many more that I know a lot of people are experiencing.
This month – I’m sticking to brief. I recorded my first video in a VERY long time.
It’s less than 2 minutes and has one great tip for how to give feedback in your virtual environments. I hope you enjoy it – and you can give me any type of feedback.
I also created a tip sheet for working remotely (click this link to download) for some of my clients. I know we’ve been virtual for awhile, most of you have gotten the hang of it (more or less) but many of the tips are great reminders right when we’re starting to ease up on some of the things that had been working as the time at home stretches on.
Also Tip 10, post-mortems, is my favorite. It’s never too late to ask your team “Now that we’ve been doing this a while, what’s working and what’s not?” When we’re adaptable, we allow our teams to be more adaptable too.
And of course, if there’s any way I can support you during this time – please just comment below and we’ll schedule a time to talk.