Video: Learning Snacks

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What Does It Mean to Be a Good Boss?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | September 2, 2020 |
Jo Ilfeld | Executive Leadership Coach| What Does It Mean to Be a Good Boss?

Coaching my clients over the years, I have given much thought to what it means to be a good boss.  In my opinion, the single most important thing that makes a good boss is to enable the success and growth of your direct reports. Watch the video for more. 

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Are You Guilty of Unclear Communication?

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | July 8, 2020 |

It would be great if you could… It would be lovely if you would… Do you start your requests with phrases like these? But then you feel upset or annoyed when these requests are not done? It’s time to get clear in your communication. Watch this quick learning snack on one communication change that you…

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A Little Anticipation Goes a Long Way

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 25, 2020 |
Jo Ilfeld | Executive Leadership Coach| The Value of Anticipation

Are you grieving the loss of anticipation and something to look forward to? A little anticipation goes a long way. Researchers found that gifts that involve some type of anticipation can give the recipient as much pleasure as the gift itself. I realize the loss of things to look forward to is nothing compared to…

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Change: Why Not How

By Jo Ilfeld, PhD | June 25, 2020 |
Jo Ilfeld | Executive Leadership Coach| Do people know the why behind your change

We are all witnessing huge calls for real change right now. For those that have already been working on change in your organization, it is important to stop and ask yourself the following: “Do your people know the why behind your change?” Watch this week’s learning snack on why your WHY is more important than…

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