Personal Change
“Going Up?” This the common reframe you hear as you step into an elevator. This past week I spent 3 days masterminding with colleagues at the San Jose Doubletree Hilton. I noticed immediately that my room on the 7th floor was on the HHonors floor.
Read MoreIt’s January. This is the time of resolutions, fresh starts and big visions. For some people, the new year offers a chance to reflect and set new goals. For others, it serves as a new reminder that the time is now to act on your big goal.
Read MoreOr at least instantly get the ideas to help you improve them People skills, like any other skill, need constant updating, evolving and upgrading. Books are a great way to up-level your people management and leadership skills, easily and effectively.
Read More“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” —Lao Tzu
Read More“Across 248 reviews from 28 companies, managers, whether male or female, gave female employees more negative feedback than they gave male employees. Second, 76 percent of the negative feedback given to women included some kind of personality criticism, such as comments that the woman was “abrasive,” “judgmental” or “strident.” Only 2 percent of men’s critical…
Read MoreI have a 6 year old daughter. Why am I telling you this? I want you to understand why I’ve seen Frozen multiple times and know the whole soundtrack by heart. I’m really not a Disney princess fanatic, I just. . . . have a 6 year-old daughter.
Read MoreYup, sometimes I feel that way too. That’s why I was really excited to discover that the innovator between the “one-minute meditation” now has a free app. You can download it here.
Read MoreI’m finding myself reflecting on the changes inherent in autumn – what is growing, and what is ending. And this makes me think about how you can help those around you during times of transition and change.
Read More70% of your communications are non-verbal. It’s possible you’ve heard this statistic (or some variation of it) but do you know how to interpret it? How to change your non-verbal communications and become a powerful communicator?
Read MoreWhen I was in graduate school, we had to figure out complicated economics problems where you were maximizing several variables at once. A complex way of saying – “there’s a lot of factors that go into any good decision.”
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