Personal Change
Picture this — I’m in my tennis lesson when I look down at my Apple Watch to check my heart rate. And instead of seeing a heart rate, I see the ambiguous searching circle. Where is my heart rate?!
Read MoreHere’s a typical conversation I have at parties: Person: “So what do you do?” Me: “I’m an executive leadership coach.” Person:“Hmm, so what do you do exactly?” Me: “Well I’m really great at helping people improve their interpersonal interactions and relationships at work. I tend to work with corporate and business leaders who are very…
Read MoreBy: Amy Donovan, CFO Alameda County Community Food Bank Editor’s note: I’ve had the true privilege of working with Amy for about 9 months now, so when she decided to write up her experiences, I was honored she wanted them to be shared widely with others. She shares so much great learning that many others…
Read MoreAs I sit here writing, it is hot, hot, hot weather outside. So let me tell you a story instead of complaining. (It’s one you might have read before – but humor me.)
Read MoreI’m writing this note returning home on a plane from visiting my 96 year-old grandmother in Phoenix. I know I’ve mentioned her before in my blog posts and newsletters, but each time I can’t help from remarking on how much she has lived and seen and how much she has adapted through the years.
Read MoreIn the US we just celebrated July 4th, Independence Day. I was lucky enough, to travel, as we do most years, to Tahoe to celebrate the 4th with my husband’s family in the fresh mountain air. This year, I resolved to go on the hike I have long worked to avoid. Each year, my sons…
Read MoreWhat do you see in this picture? I see a typical residential scene. A street of houses, people walking, cars driving by. Now turn 180 degrees with me. What do you see now?
Read MoreI was recently having coffee with a good friend (Happy Birthday Kathrin!) and we were discussing the biggest challenges business leaders face currently. Near the top among these challenges has to be managing all contradictions in today’s workplace, both internally for yourself and within your company.
Read MoreRecently I was sitting with a client and going over the results of an assessment that I love and regularly use with clients. As we began to go over the “Blind Spots” part of the assessment, he turned to me and said:
Read MoreThere is a Buddhist/Taoist story of an old farmer who had been working his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically. “We’ll see.” the farmer replied.
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