Personal Change
Here’s the truth: you will never respond to every email, you will never catch up on every interesting FB post or tweet, and you will never read every article that might be relevant or beneficial to your career.
Read MoreOkay, the Beatles weren’t really intending to hand out fabulous business advice but they might as well have been.
Read MoreI was discussing a client’s increasing frustration on those days when her staff is spending their time on busy work and not making any progress on the larger departmental goals.
Read MoreRemember those nights at college when you were torn between starting your midterm paper or heading out with your friends? Ever feel like that now? A few weeks ago I was running with my devoted running partner and longtime friend and telling her about the place I find myself in my coaching practice right now.
Read MoreOne of the most common complaints I hear from entrepreneurs, friends, professionals (heck! even my kids most days when I tell them it’s bed time) is that there isn’t/wasn’t/won’t be enough time.
Read MoreI read the article below by Jennifer Lee and I thought she just spoke to the exhaustion, pushing and striving that so many entrepreneurs feel on a daily basis.
Read MoreWisdom 2.0 is where the High-Tech world of Silicon Valley meets the Low-Tech world of mindfulness, meditation and self-awareness. For me it is the perfect blend that inspires my coaching; essentially how you survive in the business without losing yourself in it.
Read MoreLet me start this blog with a little story. Once a long, long time ago, I joined a second-time Mom’s group when my second son was born.
Read MoreI recently discovered a well-established leadership theory (Rooke and Torbert, HBR April, 2005) that divides individuals into 7 types of leaders. The theory, as it reads, conceives these 7 leadership types as different developmental levels that people evolve through on their leadership path.
Read MoreBe honest here – when someone last asked, “How are you?” – weren’t you even slightly tempted to answer “Busy!” These days it seems as if the lament of not having enough time has become a national refrain. Everywhere, people find themselves constantly in a rush, over-booked and over-scheduled with little time off.
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