Are You In the ‘In Group’ at Work?
Are you in the ‘In Group’ at work or do you feel left out?
My client was feeling left out and and I needed to help her. My recent discussion with a client inspired this week’s learning snack video.
After her recent hire, my client was given an office stuck on the outskirts, in a tiny room, about the size of a closet, with no windows. She didn’t feel part of the group made up of the other team members who interact with each other both in the office and outside of it.
Is there an “In” group at work and an “Out” group where you work?
If so, which group are you in?
While we can all imagine how it feels to be in the group that is excluded, do you know the disadvantages being in the other group may have? So how can you bridge the gap between the two?
Read my article on the impact you have on others.